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    “we weren’t even trying!”

    @forgivenchildofgod That really gives me the ick! In a time of female solidarity, I can’t fathom trying to look better by lying about how long it took to conceive
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    She is one and done but I am a fencesitter, need some opinions

    @melaninzombie My sister-in-laws have a 7 year age gap and are very close. I have a 3 year age gap and can’t stand my sister. Age gaps don’t matter in the long term.
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    Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

    @revstockton I have some relatives with useless husbands and multiple children…..never understood it. The baby making would be closed for business if I didn’t get help and support!
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @urbanorbr Yeah, I feel like there's a lot of posts on here in full panic about anyone even touching their baby. Meanwhile, when I was a baby I opened my diaper and played in my own crap before my parents woke up. They still tell this story and I'm 33.
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @fruitb I hate Jordan Peterson. Once he said a woman’s purpose in life is children, but men have to find their purpose. Pissed me off to no end b