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  1. J

    Is 3 almost easier?

    @kristaok 3 is definitely not a cakewalk (I have 3) but also contrary to the studies, I cannot imagine my life getting easier if I added a 4th kid right now. I imagine I would be much, much more stretched thin and there would be another kid needing something from me (story of my life it feels...
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 I have 3. No, 3 is not easier. But, nothing worth having is easy. I love my 3. Even when they are being wild and tantruming I love my 3. I just wish I didn't have to work so much so I can have some balance in my life. My kids are wonderful. It's the chores and working for money...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @chillcwill Is there any potential you can wait it out to avoid those 8-9 months of all 3 in daycare? It's just a few months, and trust me, with 3 kids having the extra money to outsource cleaning, laundry, hire an extra set of hands for the kids, self care, etc. becomes almost necessary...
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    Big Age Gap Between 1 and 2?

    @ganyan I read that a larger age gap between siblings (4+ years) increases test scores of each sibling because you're able to give more attention to each child. My oldest is 4 years older than my 2nd and is really bright. He is way advanced academically because we really gave him a lot of...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @chillcwill Oh, my 3rd was born during summer vacation. So I had my very active 6 year old , 1.5 yr old, and a newborn at home during my mat leave. After that, I was at peace with the fact I wasn't meant to be a stay at home mom and happily went back to work. I was ready.
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @dezi I have 3 and can confirm, it is exhausting getting all 3 out of the house. And my baby isn't even mobile yet-- that will make it more interesting.....
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    How can you afford it?

    @puddingtader Have 1 parent stay home unless both parents make REALLY good money ( childcare for multiple children is $$$) and live in a lower cost of living area. If you live in a high cost of living area, it will work if you bought your house years ago before housing got expensive, or the...
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    My kid loves TV. Like a lot.

    @albert123 My kids love TV too, particularly my oldest. I say use it to your advantage. My kid earns it by doing chores/being respectful, and it works, he does his chores and is respectful (mostly). It's great how much it motivates him
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    Postpartum with number two has hit different

    @brojoe67 I'm sorry. #2 felt that way for me too. Parenting with the way the American working world is built just seems impossible
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @kolinfarrel Absolutely. Marriage is about love, but it is also a business arrangement. OP should be benefitting too. Sounds like her husband is reaping the rewards of her free labor when it comes to the kids/home, but she's not getting any of the financial benefits from him.