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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @ibaneztony Danke dir. Es ist auch nicht so, dass mein Mann der Despot im Kreißsaal ist. Das habe ich unglücklich beschrieben. Der hat genauso Schiss wie ich und will auf Nummer sicher gehen, kennt nur beschissene Geburtsberichte von unseren Bekannten / Familie und ist da hilflos bzw. kennt mich...
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @ibaneztony Thank you for these actual helpful insights. I think the tools of hypnobirthing sound quite helpful. It is indeed a big fear to loose ownership during a vaginal birth as one is so vulnerable in this time.
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @aiden92 That's what I am so afraid of. I know, I am biased, as almost all the women I know who are mothers, had to labor endlessly, were induced and in the end, the staff schedule, shortness of staff, hospital time management etc. almost forced them to go for the emergency c-section. I am not...
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @yarrariverchristian Elective c-sections aren't covered by insurance and the medical professionals first choice is always vaginal birth unless there's medical reason for surgery. Thank you for pointing out that you perceived the c-section as very medical and surreal. That's something to consider
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    I may need to add that I live in Germany where birth and maternal care differs from the US.
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @ibaneztony I talked to my husband, and it's not about how I could change "downstairs". It's rather what I described in my other comment that I do not cope well with the unknown, stress, pressure, etc. And given the state of our hospitals, short staffed, never enough time for a patient and...
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    I need some advice from you wonderful people out there. FtM, I am 25 weeks pregnant and already chose a hospital for the birth. As the weeks progress I am not sure how to go forward with the modalities of birth. I'd love to hear your opinion on the many ways to give birth. In the beginning of...