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    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack My best friends kid stays at his MILs house every Saturday since he was 6 months old. He is now 3.5 My son slept at my parents once. He is 2.5. Everyone is different. I personally think once a month is cool.
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    Wife is 7 weeks pregnant. When does the anxiety go away?

    @allenard77 Two time dad here. My oldest is 2.5 My anxiety changed. Pregnancy - I was anxious that something was going to go wrong and we'd lose the baby. 0-3 Months - is he okay? Is this normal Everything onward is just things like "am I doing enough? Should I be teaching him to do X? Does...
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    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    @digitale We lost two. The first was a surprise pregnancy that we both learned to embrace. When we lost it my wife was devastated. The second was planned and hit me harder. The third time was a stressful road. We never got excited or happy. We didn't tell anyone for worked out and...
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    How much parental leave did u take?

    @aihi 12 weeks. I don't care how it looks. That time goes so fast and is too important to miss. Plus, it's an all hands on deck situation.
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    About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

    @bellsmom Make sure you take your 6 week oldnout of the car seat every once in a while. I think it's recommended they only stay in it for 2.5 hours max