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    PUMP Act blocked

    @lifeinone Women care about other women's struggles. We care! We see you.
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    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    @robertjjones This is meant to be helpful but please physically relax. Breathe. Justly roll your shoulders, align your spine. You're in a situation right now you're all going to be okay. I agree with your husband to stay at home until after baby arrives.
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    My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

    @luvgodforever 🤩🤩 "When are you gonna learn Thad?" and keep walking lolol
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    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @goce To keep up with his increased hungry you are to increase his solids intake. Mine's on 3 solid meals a day, with lots of protein (meats, veg, fruit) plus 4 combo breastmilk and formula bottles. I have low supply and exclusively pump.