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  1. P

    Will my breasts really shrink after breastfeeding?

    @con4christ88 Yes they'll shrink but they will lose some to most of their perkiness (depending almost entirely on genetics and luck)
  2. P

    When did your wife start to feel kicks?

    @davidspetri First-time mothers don't tend to feel movement until at least 18 weeks but it's not unheard of for there to be no feelings of movement until 22-24 weeks, depending on the placement of the placenta the overall activity level of your baby. If the placenta is anterior, that means it...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker I was the same as you with my first, but when labor actually started my body would not relax enough to open so that the baby could actually be born until I had the epidural. I labored without meds for 16 hours and couldn't get past 3 cm (which is what I'd been at when I arrived at...
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @ridley12 According to Yale Medicine: "It’s estimated that as many as 1 in 200 pregnant individuals have a diagnosis of placenta previa at some point during pregnancy. However, in 90% of cases, during the course of the pregnancy, placenta previa resolves on its own—the placenta stops covering...
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @ridley12 It's way over the top that she told you that it's "most likely" that you'll have to schedule a C-section at 36-37 weeks, after detecting a full placenta previa at only 20 weeks. The vast majority of previa cases at 20 weeks resolve on their own. I had a full placenta previa when I...