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  1. M

    Neighbours complaining about noise

    @alanson Ok ich habe gerade etwa in deinem Progil geguckt und gesehen, dass du in Deutschland bist. Mitleid. Dort kann es sehr kinderunfreundlich sein. Ich weiß nicht, ob es dort ist wie wo ich bin (Finnland) aber für Kinder unter 3 Jahren können haben sie Sonderregelungen, die erkennen das man...
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    Neighbours complaining about noise

    @alanson Tbh I wouldn’t engage. Just explain that quiet hours are between 10-6 and that normal daily activities and sounds of life are perfectly acceptable. If anything I would contact the building management/coop and explain that a neighbor is complaining about the noise from your kids and have...
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    Neighbours complaining about noise

    @alanson “Why are my neighbors walking on the god damn ceiling!? I’m complaining to the housing coop!” 😅 At least you’re on the ground floor then. Our downstairs neighbors live above an office and I wish to god we could trade places with them. Then our kids could run as much as they want...
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    Neighbours complaining about noise

    @alanson Yeah we’re in the same situation. Quiet hours in our apartment building are 10-6am and during those hours we are quiet —all except the baby when she wakes up anyway. We’ve had a few complaints, including one anonymous one from our 20 something year old neighbor who is (according to...
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    NoRmAl PaReNtS dOnT hOmEsChOoL

    @frank6 Thanks. I’m something of a snarker myself…
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    I've started mouthing off at my MIL the same way she does at me and I feel so a l i v e

    @trinichristiannudist And I bet he still sometimes wonder why that one patient looked like she wanted to smack him lol