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  1. B

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @stu80 Wtf that would piss me off too!! They and my husband had to move my legs for me lol
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @stu80 Oooh the sensation of seeing your legs and watching them be moved by other people, and not feeling anything at all or have any control over them was one of the grossest feelings lol but I was glad for it after going through full strength contractions 1 minute apart at only 4cm dilated 😳...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @cconversation I actually barely had a second degree tear, and only internally in the vaginal wall, perineum didn't tear at all - and they said the only reason it was even that bad, was because little miss decided to shove her hand through right after her head was born 😆 I had a few stitches...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @zanness Oh for sure! My left leg was completely dead and lifeless, meanwhile I could still feel and lift up my right one, and felt all the pain on that side...the Dr tried a couple extra hand bolus' to get more medicine in thinking it would spread, but ended up just having to redo the whole...
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    Lifting weights in third trimester

    @purple207 I was told to lower weights as my body saw fit not because it would hurt baby, but because as you grow and your abs separate, you are less and less able to fully engage the core and are thus much more likely to injure your back.
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @cconversation Mine were not tapered, I was completely numb and literally didn't feel anything from the belly button down lol I was extra numb due to having the epidural done twice as the first time, it only worked on one half of my body. I have a really strong core though so when the nurses...