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    Thoughts after an early arrival

    @lisa98 Congrats on the baby girl! I'm so glad things went well and you're doing great!
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    Is it normal to be this out of shape? 15 weeks

    @jimmie926 Even though I didn't have HG in pregnancy, I also noticed I fatigued super quickly by a certain point in pregnancy when I was walking/running/lifting. First trimester was brutal, then second trimester felt pretty good, and then entering third trimester, back to feeling tired quickly...
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    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @felicitys I loooove Greek yogurt with probiotic granola and some fruit (preferably blackberries or strawberries since they're filling to me, pairs excellent with yogurt, and low in calories), apple with a couple tablespoons of PB Fit, homemade peanut butter protein balls, overnight oats...
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    Marathon 1st Trimester

    @baratom I was wayyyy slower in my first trimester during my runs/marathons. It's very normal to have more fatigue and exhaustion and just struggle hitting your normal numbers. I would just caution you to not expect to qualify for Boston if you're noticing you're struggling to hit your regular...
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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @jsphalford11 I noticed that, too. I think it's ok to mention a book someone found helpful, but I think it shouldn't be the only thing that is mentioned. Some additional information about why the book was helpful, maybe including some tips it provided, some other resources it pointed people to...