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  1. K

    Will my short cycle make TTC hard?

    @katrina2017 I’m only going because we had to wean me off medication that is unsafe for pregnancy and breastfeeding so he wants to check how I’m doing, plus I do regular bloods to ensure my levels are good since I have some issues with iron and B12. It’s not entirely necessary, I think most GP’s...
  2. K

    Will my short cycle make TTC hard?

    @77john77 I received my box of 50 OPK strips yesterday so next cycle I’m testing and hoping it’s later than I thought!✨
  3. K

    Will my short cycle make TTC hard?

    @1astrokid1 I do, but while I’m ovulating BD is uncomfortable and sometimes painful because of my tilted cervix (I think, will confirm with GP)
  4. K

    Will my short cycle make TTC hard?

    I’m booking an appointment with my GP soon as we will be TTC in January, but just wanted some anecdotes in the meantime. I have what is considered a short cycle, 23 days. I also have a tilted cervix, which makes BD uncomfortable and a bit painful 5-7 days after period ends and 3-5 days before it...