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  1. R

    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    @voice_itw If it helps, I had two epidurals plus they had to use forceps for delivery. I usually have a very high pain tolerance but I just could not handle it. Baby is now 14 months and I don't really care. It bothered me in the first few weeks though. Also, I think the real fear is "am I not...
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @wisdomspy You too! It's an honor to grow them but I do really dislike the process. I hope yours is going well too!
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @wisdomspy I am pregnant, I really dislike it. I wish I liked it like you and OPs wife! I feel so unattractive and sluggish. Ugh
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    How do you make sure you don't sleep through your newborn crying?

    @tinydreamerz I wish I had this problem. I wake up at the slightest hint of my baby turning. In all seriousness though, if baby is in the same room, I don't think you could sleep through that for more than a few minutes, unless you are someone who easily sleeps through loud alarms.
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    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @booneville701 No but I work in special education and I worked with one student with trisomy x. The student did have some learning disabilities if I remember but otherwise she was quite functional (fully attending classes in high school, etc.) I don't think I would have suspected any type of...