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  1. P

    Anyone else struggle with the extra lbs?

    @geoffrey1778 May I ask how yours are feeling now?
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    Rough start

    @sylviaduncan I don’t hate being pregnant yet! I honestly don’t believe it’s real yet because I don’t feel pregnant. I HATE what it’s done to my body. I just don’t recognize myself in the mirror. I feel like I look awful. I can’t concentrate on anything and I’ve never been less productive. I’m...
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    Rough start

    Hi guys. Hoping I’m not jinxing myself. Super early, 5.3 weeks here. IVF pregnancy. I’ve had a rough 6 months, after 3 egg retrievals and 1 (successful?) FET I’ve gained a significant amount of weight. Double digits. With lifting hard 4 times a week, 12-15k steps and tracking my macros. I was...
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    How far along are you and what’s your workout routine?

    @e2014 8 weeks 5 days and my exercises has not changed. I lift 4x per week and get 10-15k steps per day. My usual was 12-15 but some days I’m too tired. I still train to 80% effort with most exercises
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    So I’m 9.5 weeks. Did you guys do any sort of educational course online for how to safely lift? Still training normal and practice exhale with exertion. Doing mamastefit of course and was wondering if I needed more (also planning on doing birth ed course) I was tracking macros before aiming for...
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    Pregnancy coaching

    @wordsword No t for dieting, to mitigate weight gain, maintain health
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    Pregnancy coaching

    @wherelovegoes The idea of moving to intuitive eating even when I wasn’t pregnant was scary so now it feels even more tbh. I feel like I don’t know how much to watch anymore
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    Pregnancy coaching

    @wherelovegoes I have an appt on Monday, up until now all the nurses had to say was “it’s the meds” 🫠🥺 like, ok, how? Why? What?
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    Pregnancy coaching

    @wherelovegoes So I was mainly taking about nutrition! So you’re not tracking macros? Did you transition to intuitive eating? I have been tracking for so long I almost feel unsure of how to move forward especially with this insane weight gain after IVF
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    Pregnancy coaching

    Is anyone working with a coach during pregnancy? I’m 7 weeks 5 days via ivf and the weight gain has been unreal. Between my two retrievals and me medicated FET protocol this meds have wrecked my body and I have gained so much weight without changing anything in my habits. Ok absolutely miserable...