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  1. C

    One side or both sides per feeding?

    @songonthewind Same just using one boob and he’s full! My boy is 7 weeks and averaging 2.2oz weight gain a day and is already over 14lbs. My boobs have adjusted well to going 6 hours without feed. Be careful of switching boobs too soon though, my IBCLC said your milk starts out more sugary...
  2. C

    How do y’all do it??

    But let me preface that my workouts are no where near what they were before being pregnant and it’s definitely a struggle. I’m trying to give myself grace and just do what I can now but looking forward to when the baby is here and getting back after it!
  3. C

    How do y’all do it??

    @stephenk I didn’t start to feel better or normal until week 18ish FYI. I now am back to working out but dealing with sciatica now 😭 The struggle is real but I did wake up one day and finally get that second trimester energy that everyone talks about