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    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @jojo2 Oh duh I have an Ergo aura wrap, lol! The embrace does look nice and like you could get much more use out of it!
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    At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

    @richgsr7 I think I will do just that. Thank you!
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    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    @jojo2 I’m shocked you can do this, my baby is 13 lbs and I feel like she sags in the ergo embrace now!
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    At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

    @pashapotte Good to know I’m not alone! lol it looks SO simple and yet…
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    At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

    My beautiful hope&plum ring sling I have spent so much money on and SO much time trying to figure out. I’ve watched the tutorials, I did the consult with Mallory, I paid for a consult with a local babywearing expert, I practice putting my baby in like 4-5 times a day. I would say three times or...
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    5.5 month struggling with daycare

    @handlotion I just want to say I’m sorry you’re going through this. We went through something similar at the same age, 5.5 months. Also a contact napping EBF baby. For better or worse our baby started at 3 half days a week, not full time. At first she would nap 5-10 minutes while there and eat...
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    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    @alwaysfaithful18 Skipping night feeds all night, even once a week could throw things off, the night feed can (annoyingly) be the most important one that drives supply, so not doing it this early on might not be the best idea. At this point you want to be doing what you can to encourage and keep...
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @sazbastein Report to who? Just out of curiosity
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    What’s a good forward facing carrier?

    @playingforthelord Do you mean world facing or just facing inward toward you?
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    @angeliqueg If it’s any consolation, I started cosleeping around 3 months. My baby is close to 7 months now. If I have guilt about anything, it’s that I tried to make my baby sleep in the bassinet the first few months. Wish I could go back and let her sleep next to me, where she clearly wanted...
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    Cracked and bleeding

    @jd1998 Medela hydrogel pads between each feed + a proper latch will help so much. Formula is completely great but if bf is your goal there’s lots of help out there!
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    Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

    @nith I’m the exact same place postpartum as you and also still up 10 lbs from pre pregnancy. I’m honestly surprised I’m this close to where I was before bc like you said I’m not trying to cut much for the sake of my supply. My understanding is the weight loss as a result of BFing is mostly made...