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  1. N

    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @spst Thanks for commenting, do you find it beneficial now being able to use the pacifier? Does baby settle a lot faster?
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @soldierofgod1988 I love that, feeling a lot better about moving forward with introducing the bottle, being able to alternate throughout the day sounds awesome. Thanks for commenting!
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @alotofwonder Okay interesting! Thank you for all the info I appreciate it :)
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @10trouble13 Okay, thank you
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @10trouble13 Okay good to know! If I pump and pour it directly in a bottle and give to my S/O to feed, does it need to be warmed at all or is it ready to go?
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    @alotofwonder Lol I totally agree about them getting offended that they aren’t our real nips. Did any of your babies take bottles? Just wondering if baby will also be offended at that or if it’s better because at least milk will come out lol
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    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    First time mom questions re/pacifier. L/o (6wks) so far will not take a pacifier, gags, spits it out, turns head away etc. I see everyone else’s hosp pics l/o’s have pacifiers in. I didn’t try right away bc I had no reason to, baby is super chill, hardly cries, sleeps decent. Did I miss my...