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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @idontadamandeveit I love how that summed everything up. Nothing else needed, message fully received. 😂. We are also in the same 🗑️🔥
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @chicacristiana I’m with you on the CIO. It’s heartbreaking. Hopefully this phase won’t last too long.
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @klsmo3 We will get through it! Thank you for the reminder! My guy went through a period of split nights AND false starts and it would send me into a rage bc once I resettled him and tried to put him in his own bed, it reset. Now we bedshare for half the night and the split nights stopped and...
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @xxxemmabubblepopxxx Same!! I thought for sure it just must have been our LO that was up every 2-3 hours, it makes me feel better to know I’m not alone.
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @gwammy The 4m regression changed everything for us too! He was a great newborn sleeper until then, which is why Im struggling to accept that this may be the way things are for a while. Sending you the best vibes and lots more sleep. Once I started bedsharing, the anxiety of the transfer went...
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @keithparagon Oof, 30 min naps are rough! Hopefully your naps lengthen soon. That’s the thing keeping me sane.
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @caleb77 Your LO sounds just like mine and I feel the same way as you. Feeling like I’m doing all the things wrong but that’s what currently works for us. I told myself he is my last baby so I will try to not stress as much as I did with my first and that usually works but I just don’t remember...
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @mom3222 Oh my, every 1-2 hours! I’m sending you all the best wishes. That’s rough. I hope it improves soon!
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    Hi! How are your 6-7 month olds sleeping? This is my second baby and I forget how my first was at this age so need a gut check to not feel like we are on an island or we are doing something wrong with his sleep. My LO is 6.5 months, spends the first few hrs of the night in his bed but then...