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  1. J

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    @renwei It doesnt matter. Late implantation is linked to higher chances of miscarriage but everything is going well for you. I had a negative on 10dpo morning and a very faint positive that night. All is well.
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    8 Week U/S Question!!

    @thriftfabulous The head does kind of look weird. A little tuck is normal but thats extreme. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though, baby is just being contrary already lol
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    How much time do new moms spend with babies?

    @davida1949 If shes really sleeping that much it absolutely sounds like depression. Not all women are maternal but this is far past that.
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    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @spiritualfreedom1 In the us its recommended to keep exposure to a minimum until they get their first shots around 2 months old. Pertussis is a really big problem here and deadly for infants.
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    Hopefully some inspiration (TW: results not typical)

    @esmerelda Also not all of the belly is weight. Your uterus and abdominal muscles often take time to go back to normal and many still look pregnant for at least that first month. As for breastfeeding it just depekds. I couldn't lose ANY weight while breastfeeding. Only started once I stopped.
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    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @jjgodman Yeah its really not the drive for me. Ive done long drives with a newborn. Its just nto WORTH the drive to gk to a huge family gathering with a newborn.
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    Is it normal to wash a 0 to 1 year old’s clothes everyday?

    @seastar 0 to 1 is a huge range. How old is the baby? I washed my sons clothes every other day until he was 4 months old because he would spit up on everything. Throw in cloth diapers and you could definitely be doing it every day.
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    I can’t stop drinking soda

    @ancientpathshepherdess Its fine. Both of my viable pregnancies I had HG and lived off of Baja blast because it was the only.liquid I could keep down. Baby is getting what they need regardless.
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    Can't Get My Wife Off of Her D*mn Phone

    @robster1981 Yeah as someone having a rough pregnancy i am on my phone like 500% more than I ever was before. If this is something new I would let this go if you can OP. Zoning out is one of the few things that makes my life bareable right now.
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    Early hCG levels and viability

    @joshuac3000 here is a comment with some links Generally anything over 100 on 14dpo is considered good.
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    BFP after period (x post TBAFlineporn)

    @wippmadeed That is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy and I would personally go to the ER if they refuse to get you in for an early ultrasound.
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    It’s ok if your nursery isn’t finished or doesn’t exist

    @puddintain Yup. We didn't finish the nursery until baby was almost 8 months old. He wasn't even IN it until 6 months. He didn't know any different. I wanted it done so I could feel prepared, but it wasn't necessary.
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    high HcG?

    @janetta Seems normal to me. Mine were about that high. Its only worrying if they are REAAALLLY high. Like 10x higher than they should be because it can indicate a molar pregnancy.
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    @inquirer17 I stopped at 9 weeks on my REs advice. No issues and all is good. When I took them orally my levels were over 40. I switched to vaginally around halfway through and they dropped down to 20. So I dont think vaginal affects blood levels at all. Exercise caused spotting for me early in...
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    help me make it make sense. TW// mention of possible BFP/ D&C

    @wael Thats not necessarily true. It's a myth that you can't ovulate before hcg is 0. I did.
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @gnewsbob Yup. Pulled my hair and screamed in my ear.
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    St. Luke's Hospital in the Poconos took my best friend’s new born son due to prescribed medications being seen as drugs

    @katrina2017 I also find it weird that they tested her at all. I was never drug tested for anything. As far as I'm aware they usually only do that if they suspect something.
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    4 months PP from C-section

    @firebird8080 They are. Im always amazed at how easy it feels without the stroller
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @gnewsbob Yup. Pulled my hair and screamed in my ear.
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    4mm NT at 12W. Feel like I can’t breathe

    @purewords1611 Try to breathe. NT scans are a screening tool. They are not 100% accurate. Likely they will have you do an NIPT next and possibly an amnio.