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    How do you know you want a child?

    @coconut85 I don’t know how I just…. Know. I have a skill set that I know lends itself to parenting. I babysat growing up, I was a nanny in college, and I was a special Ed teacher for six years. Children have just always been part of my life, and I am very naturally nurturing. It has never...
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter I agree that you should have an identity outside of being a mother, but I personally don’t think that identity has to be in a career. After identifying with my career and losing it for health reasons, I regret not having invested in my hobbies, interests, spirituality, things...
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    3+ Kids, Trying in our 30s

    @veganhippie Yesssss we can make all the plans we want and that’s great but we also have to be flexible with whatever the journey brings! 🥰 thank you so much.
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    3+ Kids, Trying in our 30s

    @veganhippie TW: Loss We’d love to have four or five kids total, but like you, we’re taking it one at a time. We unfortunately had a pregnancy loss last November when we were NTNP. I don’t want to scare you, just share my reality that my journey hasn’t been at all what I expected, hoped, or...
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    Scared to try again but I want a baby so bad

    @tigrefurry Sending you love, friend. Proud of you for having your perspective as you get closer to trying again xo
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    Grief about WTT?

    @val21 I’m so sorry that our stories sound so similar. It’s incredibly hard. Since writing this, I’ve come to grips with the fact that I have to give myself permission to wait, to release the should-have-beens and the would-have-beens to embrace what is: at least a few months of healing...
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    Grief about WTT?

    @dang91 I definitely agree, this community is really powerful in feeling like a safe space for us to navigate the sometimes misunderstood feelings in waiting - as we support each other, celebrate together, and just share this sometimes lonely experience! ❤️
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    Scared to try again but I want a baby so bad

    @sheryllmacuno Hate that it’s brought us together but glad we have the chance to connect 💕 I know you understand. Yes to the grief and uncertainty and urgency and a million different emotions all rolled into one
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    Scared to try again but I want a baby so bad

    @xuyen Thank you, yes, we’ve connected. Unfortunately most conversation there is geared towards those who are actively TTC following a pregnancy loss.
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    Grief about WTT?

    @jamesldg2018 I totally relate to this. Being medically homebound, I often wake up alone and think, “if only there were little feet running around I wouldn’t feel so lonely.” But I know that these struggles will make me a stronger and even more appreciative mother someday.
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    Scared to try again but I want a baby so bad

    @isop777 Hi, just here to say you’re not alone. I recently suffered a miscarriage and moving back to WTT is hard, not to mention all the fear around trying again, knowing how painful this all is. Sending you love ❤️ there was actually someone else posting about wtt after a MC just the other day...
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    Grief about WTT?

    @acure I’m sorry you’re having a rougher day with it… I definitely relate to all those feelings. I hope someday it will be our turn.
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    Grief about WTT?

    @pilgrim8926 I met my husband when we were 8 years old 🙈 and we started dating at 18. So I never really knew the single life. But I’ve always wondered if this feeling is similar to being single… wanting a partner but knowing it’s out of your control in ways… and grieving what you simply don’t...
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    Grief about WTT?

    @greatisyourmercy24 Sending you hugs! The logic and the emotion is so hard. I KNOW we’re doing the right thing, but I still FEEL sad about it. You can have both those experiences.
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    Grief about WTT?

    @jasonvr For what it’s worth, I got married at 23. I always pictured myself as someone who would get married and have kids right away, until OOPS I went to college and had to pay off all that $$$$$debt$$$$$. Instead, my husband and I set some goals, which we expected to meet by 30. Then, met...
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    Grief about WTT?

    @jasonvr Right, grieving the change of plans, what you thought would be “perfect,” and living each day missing what you never even had. It’s such a real thing.
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    Grief about WTT?

    @warden_of_the_storm Thank you for your support. I wish there were more resources than just this group, but nonetheless I’m incredibly thankful for it! Sometimes it feels like I’m being punished for trying to be a responsible mother in the future 🤪 but I am confident we’re making the right...
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    Grief about WTT?

    Does anyone ever feel grief about waiting to try? I think sometimes waiting to try can appear as a choice (which sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t), which causes others to misunderstand the grief associated. Like, there’s so much out there about infertility and grieving that. And there...