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  1. L

    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @hyacynthia I really thought at one point during my labor that I was going to die. I distinctly remember thinking, "I hope husband doesn't blame the baby for me dying." So I totally get you.
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    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @zenos777 So it was like death from a thousand cuts, then, and it was just the one last straw that made him blow. Once he and you have calmed enough, you need to sit down with him and discuss expressing one's emotions- cursing AT another person, particularly one you love, is completely not...
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    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @sparrowfeet Yes, they are large toddlers, but outbursts laden with cursing seldom go from 0 to 60 right away- there's some background information, something lurking, beneath the surface for a while before.
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    What do I do or say when teen has a big tantrum w f bombs and calls me names and says hurtful things bc he’s upset?

    @zenos777 I feel like there's background info here we don't have. Teenagers very seldom have outbursts "out of the blue" as portrayed in media. Either there is something that's been simmering beneath the surface for a while, or your teen has some sort of mood disorder that needs to be...
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    She just turned 4…

    @chamtt That's about the age I had the very same thought. Mine is now 17, and, I can assure you, the saying about how the days are long and the years are short is absolutely true.
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    Difficult 17 year old

    @graciegirl Unfortunately, he's at an age now (when does he turn 18?) where he's going to start facing permanent repercussions for his poor life choices. You running interference for him (begging the teachers to help him pass a class, turning in assignments for him) is not helping the situation...
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    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @k3at Have you considered putting her into inpatient care for evaluation? It doesn't have to be long-term- last year, I had a student with severe anxiety and depression issues who was hospitalized for, I think, ten days. When she came back to school, she was a totally different person, in the...
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    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    @deanerenata32 So, to start: when dealing with mom from now on, I'd email. Then you'll have a paper trail. I think you handled things appropriately, and I say that not only as a mom of a teenager but as someone who's worked in a high school for almost 30 years. We all know that teens think they...