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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @elizar123 Absolutely on the same page as you with that! Our baby girl does not like transitions at all.
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @braq Oh my goodness, sweet little guy!! 😔 it’s so hard to hear those cries! Our girl has her two month check up this week not looking forward to the shots and the tears😫
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @jumpingin It is my least favorite part of every day😅😅😅!!!
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @gymgirl73 Ahhh… Level three… I’m so not ready for you. Can we go back to level one cries? I don’t think I’m mastered that
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @rodney21 Ugh this! 😩 you are not alone. I feel the same way. But I take heart in the fact that we care so deeply about each cry that tells me that we are not horrible moms.💕
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @aaronkfwill Yes! Oh my goodness our poor girl looks so terrified and gets absolutely as stiff as a board. I’m so thankful that she can communicate to us that she needs some thing but I am not smart enough to know what that is yet! 😅💕
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @graceyj Our baby now that if she hears any sudden loud noises, whether it’s an espresso machine at Starbucks or simply a chair squeaking across the floor, she wakes up from her nap, screaming crying, just like that too!! oh boy, so hard to hear such sad cries!!! 💕
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    @gregory53 YES! It is so crushing!!!! 😵‍💫😩
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    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    The last couple days it seems like my 8/9 week old has found a brand new cry that hurts my heart and is more devastating than I have ever heard before. Is that normal? Well… has anyone else had that experience? To be honest, I haven’t really experienced the witching hour or the colic or anything...