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    Away from my baby

    @christlivesinme29 The hospital I had my son at is a super religious one so I’m sure they’d make me bring my baby in. They’re really strict on wanting breastfeeding. Nice to know that’s an option in case I ever end up in the hospital. I wouldn’t know who would watch my son!
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    Away from my baby

    @christlivesinme29 Awww that’s nice. I would refuse to stay at the hospital if they didn’t let me have my baby there lol
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @brooksie2013 I had one nurse who would come in and be like “ok roll to the other side” like dude… I can’t? She was pissing me off lol
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @brooksie2013 They gave me an extra dose an hour before my son was born! lol I was starting to feel pain, as it had been about 7 hours since they gave the inital epidural to me, so they gave me more medicine in it. I was almost TOO numb lol I didn’t like it. But I did enjoy not feeling the two...
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    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @andrew090565 When I asked how that is so she said “because they start to realize that when they cry, mom or dad comes to pick them up” lol
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    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @joysky93 It sucks because we really like her. She doesn’t push certain things on us and she is really nice. She has kids so she understands cosleeping and is supportive of it. So to hear that yesterday was kinda a bummer.
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    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @ufekevom We recently went to my sons 4 month checkup and the pediatrician (who doesn’t mind we cosleep) said that babies at this age start being manipulative and we should try CIO/sleep training with our son, who still wakes every 2-3 hours. Annnnd of course my husband is all for it and I’m not...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @atlanta 17 weeks in and it feels like time has passed so fast. My son had bad gas pains from week 2-6 and I wasn’t getting much sleep. Around week 8 I started cosleeping with him and it made all the difference. My son doesn’t cry much. Like at all so I’m very grateful for that. He’s a super...
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    How long are your 2-3 month olds sleeping at night?

    @saphlin 3-4.5 stretches at 15 weeks He will wake to eat then go back to sleep.
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    Why is my newly 2 m/o sleeping all day today?

    @taridayana Growth spurt.
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    Babies Get Bored Too: The Science Behind Infant Boredom

    @timothy1212 I feel like my 3 month old gets bored sometimes, too.
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    Cuddle curl but not feeding side lying?

    @tom34 I find myself sitting up a bit and feeding him for a few min until he unlatches. He’s 11 weeks old tho so he doesn’t spend too long eating these days
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    Overfeeding, pediatrician gave him a diet

    @fallencolin My son gains 1lb every 5 days. He’s breast fed. His pediatrician has never mentioned a diet or that he’s gaining too fast. In fact, she’s impressed with his weight gain. He’s almost 2 months old and pushing 14lbs. He was born at 7.7, dropped down to 6.13 due to jaundice for a week...