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  1. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @peacetips I can only do quiet time with my oldest if she’s in the room with me. Otherwise she goes crazy. Kid thinks she’s Spider-Man or something lol.
  2. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @zazzi My daughter has always been really low sleep needs. Like she hit 1 nap at 9 months old. I’m surprised she kept that nap as long as she did. Nothing prepared me for how little she sleeps. We even had her evaluated and there is nothing wrong with her. She just doesn’t sleep as much as the...
  3. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @zazzi Ugh I was so sad when my oldest stopped napping. She gave it up right before my son was born so I’ve never had them both napping. My son’s nap is when I need to wash dishes and put on laundry. I can’t do it when he’s awake. I also have to give my toddler 1:1 time. And my son is...
  4. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @jackie4468 For real! My 3.5yo literally pealed my eyes open at 3:15 this morning to tell me she threw up in bed. Then my baby started the day at 4:30. I didn’t go to bed until 10:30 last night because the house was such a mess and I can’t start the day with a disaster. And this is a fairly...
  5. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    Disclaimer: this is just a rant. I know this actually works for some people. I genuinely hope to be one of those people one day. Now onto my frustration… I’m sick and tired and sick and tired and SICK AND BLOODY TIRED of being told to just get up an hour before the kids. As if it was just that...