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  1. K

    I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?

    @redline29 A good poop? I can't remember what those are anymore hahaha. I have my first ultrasound next Monday. I'll ask them.
  2. K

    I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?

    @bookercason I am on a healthy weight. I wanted to get rid of those last 2/3 kilos but they weren't bothering me. We'll see what the doc says on Monday (first ultrasound, yayyy)
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    I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?

    @braydeno I will know Monday :) thanks. I'll stop worrying!
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    I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?

    So, FTM, no idea what's coming. I've done some reading up and I read that it's normal to gain about 10-15 kilos during pregnancy. So, at 1.5 months and a few days, am I on track, or do I need to watch my diet? I used to be pretty constant in my meals: A protein shake every morning Some nuts...
  5. K

    Am I a terrible wife for not staying up late with my husband?

    @jramos1996 Fuck no. You’re not the crazy one. Your husband sounds like a piece of work.