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    Normal fundal height for gestational age, L&D scan had weight under the 3rd percentile

    @scottmcc1 Thank you this is good to know. My brother and I were both on the smaller side, about 21 inched and just above 7 pounds at birth. My mom said I looked so little in the big car seat on the ride home from the hospital lol. My mom was bigger at birth (about 8 or 9 pounds I think) but she...
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    Normal fundal height for gestational age, L&D scan had weight under the 3rd percentile

    @nancy7 Thank you so much this is honestly so comforting reading this. 💗 I do know baby is breech and she likes to stay huddled up in there as well as the ultrasound tech at L&D couldn't even get a side profile of her face (just that creepy skeleton looking picture that you always see when they...
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    Normal fundal height for gestational age, L&D scan had weight under the 3rd percentile

    Hi all, this is the farthest I've made it in 4 pregnancies so please be patient with me. Basically last Thursday (23w6d) I went to L&D for reduced fetal movement, baby was fine thank God, 8 point score on biophysical profile so plenty of movement and good heartbeat. However at my 20 weeks scan...
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    Beta’s rising

    @saintcody777 Yea abdominal are a hit or miss that early. But unfortunately at your HCG with a TV US especially you should be seeing a HB with a fetal pole. I'd guard your heart if I was you. I've been thru two losses so I know how terrible it can be being in limbo. My thoughts and prayers are...
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    Beta’s rising

    @saintcody777 When your HCG was 22K+ did they do an abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound? At that level of HCG they'd usually expect to see a fetal pole with a heartbeat. I'm so sorry OP but I would guard your heart if I were you. At this point HCG betas don't really tell you much and US would...
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @leonid Thank you so much!! 💓 pregnancy after loss is so hard and riddled with anxiety
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    How important is progesterone?

    @yelhsalove No problem. Hope everything goes well with you and your pregnancy!
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    How important is progesterone?

    @yelhsalove If you have a SCH I would definitely suggest the progestrone suppositories! My RE was originally gonna have me discontinue them but then they found a small SCH she said to stay on them for another week or two and add 400mg daily of magnesium. Your progestrone does honestly sound low...
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @george64 I'm just paranoid that they'll stop doubling and I'll have another chemical
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    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    @renny562000 Yes typical time frame is AT LEAST 3 months to work but AMH will only tell you about how many eggs you have left. Not the quality. Only way to tell is to do a frozen embryo transfer and send the embryos off for PGT testing.
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @waynemorss Thank you! I got my first vvvfl at 9dpo and a much clearer line at 10dpo when I did my first beta. Which is crazy bcs my earliest I've ever gotten a bfp was like 11dpo
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    Two miscarriages and really long cycles - Losing hope

    @blessed2day Talk to your OB about getting bloodwork and an ultrasound to scan for PCOS. You can also go to an RE to get an RPL panel, ive had one done (it was all normal, it seemed to boil down to my PCOS and just bad luck) they'll run an ANA test bcs you may have an auto immune disorder which...
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @cfranco Thank you! Yes especially after two consecutive losses it was not fun hearing the doctor say it was "low". And I didn't even get a vvvvfl till the day before (9dpo) so I think I just caught baby very early. My repeat results which showed at a 40 came in today, Saturday, so I'm waiting...
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    Two miscarriages and really long cycles - Losing hope

    @reb2014 How does baby aspirin help? I'm taking it currently because I've read online it helps (I have PCOS) But can never find a good reason why it helps.
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @taught2beenslaved It really is. I hate the early pregnancy limbo 😢
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    @rund87 Thank you friend! Yea I guess it's just general pregnancy after loss anxiety 🙃 my first vvvvfl was at 9dpo and bfn at 8dpo so I very may well have implanted near the time of my first draw!
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    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    Hi all! After two losses this year I'm on my third pregnancy of 2023. I got my first HCG beta draw at 10DPO and it came back at 15. OB said it was "on the low side" and wanted to see the repeat draw (that I did at 12DPO) first before booking a placement scan. Well I got my results back today...