Beta’s rising


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I got my blood drawn on 12/28, and my B-hCG was at 45,959. Should I relax now seeing as it is rising? I’m having trouble relaxing because of my stats:

12/8: Cramps, NPT
12/12: PPT, LMP 11/6, Cramps

12/14: Cramps, spotting, PPT (done in ER), B-hCG 2236, There is a 0.4 cm anechoic/cystic structure in the endometrial cavity, presumably a gestational sac, without visualized embryo or yolk sac. There is no evidence of free fluid in the pelvis (Copied from transvag report).

12/16: Cramps, spotting, B-hCG 3459, There is a focal fluid collection without a fetal pole, yolk sac or
identifiable heart rate in the endometrial cavity which measures 5.9 mm.
There is also a small area of heterogeneous echogenicity within the
cervical canal 10.2 mm in greatest dimension (copied from transvag report)

12/21: Cramps, B-hCG 15,469, Gestational sac: visualized, Embryo: not visualized
Cardiac activity: N/A, Placenta: too early to evaluate
Other: Subchorionic hemorrhage: 27.0x8.4x22.3 mm. Singleton intrauterine pregnancy. Gestational sac appears normal, with a normal yolk sac. There is no fetal pole seen at this time. Both ovaries appeared normal. No free fluid seen in the pelvis. Normal uterus, cervix and adnexae. I was measuring about 5w5d according to this US

12/24: Heavier bleeding than spotting but not soaking through pads, no cramps, passing blood clots, B-hCG 22, 346, ultrasound showed empty sac but was told by ER dr “the technique could’ve been wrong, something could be wrong with the probe, or it’s still too early to see anything”

12/28: B-hCG 45,959, I had stopped spotting and no cramping until today 12/30 I’m spotting again and passing very small blood clots.
@saintcody777 When your HCG was 22K+ did they do an abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound? At that level of HCG they'd usually expect to see a fetal pole with a heartbeat. I'm so sorry OP but I would guard your heart if I were you. At this point HCG betas don't really tell you much and US would tell you much more and I'd rely on US results rather then HCG blood work. For reference last year Mt HCG was 33K+ and there was only a gestational sac, I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum as my doc said by that point they'd see a fetal pole with a heart beat.
@saintcody777 Yea abdominal are a hit or miss that early. But unfortunately at your HCG with a TV US especially you should be seeing a HB with a fetal pole. I'd guard your heart if I was you. I've been thru two losses so I know how terrible it can be being in limbo. My thoughts and prayers are with you ❤️