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  1. S

    Under stimulated baby: is it concerning???

    @christiantunescafe This point stood out to me too - OP’s baby is only 7 months old. At that age everything is stimulating and it makes tons of sense to stay home when you want. My 3 year old on the other hand… if we don’t get out of the house, someone will be murdered by end of day. But when...
  2. S

    Almost 8 weeks into twins and right now my 5 year old is the most difficult

    @reformed1 Sounds like my older kiddo when the twins arrived. She was slightly younger (3), but we had a very similar experience. She was by far the hardest part of the transition to 3 kids, with the intense sleep deprivation coming in a distant second. The thing that helped most? Time. The...
  3. S

    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 Real talk - it’s hard to read this post and not just see your anxiety as the issue, not the restaurant. One meal will not make or break your son’s nutrition. He’s going to go through phases where he doesn’t eat, period, and that’s okay. He’s his own person. One meal a week (or...