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    3 Months at Daycare, 6 Bites - Am I overreacting?!

    @heygoddidyouforgetme I’m so sorry…my kid is the biter. My first was the bitee. As a parent we are working on it and I know her daycare is too. With my first…I never even considered switching daycares. We did talk a lot about how if someone does that to you, you should go play with other friends...
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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @sunflower232 🙋🏼‍♀️same! And we just got notice our daycare costs are going up $150/mo. I have gone through our expenses and we’re not bad at all - we do one date night a month and eat at home for EVERY meal…but damn groceries are expensive too.
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    Resume advice needed

    @nabthefool Chat gpt is super helpful for adding things too. Look up videos how to use it for resumes.