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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @toolmania1 Lol! Is he the naughtier one too? ❤️
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @enwphysics That makes sense. Thank you for the support 😘
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @enwphysics How are the babies doing now? Actually there's no concept of MFM here. I am going to the best fertility and child hospital there is in my city. We are trust the doctor. There is no cord flow issue as per the radiologist (he is a doctor, not technician). And report says the same. I...
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @jerah1 Yes it was. I showed my reports to my OB over WhatsApp, she didn't seem too concerned. Next appointment is on Monday, will get more details then. Meanwhile yoir kind reply was soothing. That this happens in DCDAs.
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @jerah1 They are didi too. There was 100g difference at week 28. Before that they were almost same. Even bigger one was smaller at a point.
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @mattbraunlin I'm in a different country. Its little different here. I'd get my answers soon.
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @mattbraunlin I understand. The report has so many things which we don't understand. Next OB appointment is on Monday. Hope she can explain better. Thank you for your response
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    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    Twin A is 2.2Kg i.e 4.85 lbs and Twin B is at 1.58kg i.e. 3.48 lbs. Anyone had similar stats? Should we be worried? We are planning c section at 37 wks 0 days.
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    I’m 4.5 months in and it’s still hard.

    @grace4us Problem is, they got easier but our energy got dampened too. I'm also not able to cope up with 4m twins.