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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @thecross19 Thank you for that suggestion, I am waiting to hear back if it is.
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @rithik That's wonderful, thank you for doing that for your coworkers. I've asked my work about it and am waiting to hear back.
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @jcscribbler Thank you, I ended up taking a full week and I hope I'm in better shape by then. And I appreciate your response. I really thought I'd feel more relief to finally be done with it. To let it go, move on, and try again when my cycle comes back. But wow, that has not been the case. I...
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @taramed71 I am so sorry, I cannot imagine no pain medicine! I was surprised the day of when my doctors sent me home with so much, but I really only expected some period-like pains (which has definitely not been the case).
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @ofglory Thank you for the validation. I did end up taking more time and I know it was the right choice.
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @leggomymeggo I'm so sorry you didn't have the time off for your procedure and went through an awful year. I really hope you are in a better emotional place now. It's frustrating that so few people speak about miscarriage openly in real life. It's like it's supposed to be done in private so no...
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @zachariahs Thank you, that is so true. I did end up taking more time and it was absolutely the right call.
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    @cn17 Thank you for the kind words and I am so sorry a coworker said that to you. I cannot even imagine what that must have been like.
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    Going back to work after a D&C. How???

    I had a missed miscarriage a few weeks ago and had a D&C yesterday. I expected to have minimal pain and a lot of bleeding, but the reverse has been true. My pain management is incredibly thorough and I have a narcotic option if I need it, but the emotional drop is also just a lot. Like, I am...