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  1. H

    Blended family, would adding one more be too much?

    @kerrylog I don't think you need to have another baby to be a companion for your existing baby. Sounds like that baby has 3 older step siblings to dote on them and that's a pretty sweet setup! I bet you they'd end up closer to the current baby than if you had 2 babies close in age.
  2. H

    7 month old cosleeping advice?

    @godleadus I never did BF full time, I had really low supply like 1 feed a day after pumping all day. She stopped boob feeds at like 3m and they were never worth much besides connection. But there's methodology for sidelying bf on both breasts! And as your LO gets older they'll just do it...
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    7 month old cosleeping advice?

    @ben_joy My LO had coslept since birth, at 7-8m she had her first try at sleeping between husband and I in regular bed and did great. We have a more firm mattress and we each use separate blankets so there is a gap between us of empty space. We are also in a king size bed but her first time...
  4. H

    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @orthodox4life I never ate McDonald's cheeseburgers in my life and during that first trimester they were one of the only things I could keep down, extra pickles and not so much as a whiff of onion. Bless my sweet husband if I texted him that I was having a particularly rough go or he came home...