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  1. G

    A big recommendation list for folks about to have a baby

    @ehron214 Throwing out a rec for Honest Co Overnight diapers if you don’t want the powdery smell and chemicals in Pampers. Have never had a leak with them and my daughter is a toddler now. Also Nuna is the only brand to commit to no chemical flame retardants in all their carseats. (There are...
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    A big recommendation list for folks about to have a baby

    @justincann I was burning up at the hospital (had night sweats from the hormone crash) so I gave my husband all my blankets. He was still cold. Sleeping bag is a great idea.
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot My husband does bedtime while I do a daily reset at the end of the day: pick up toys and books on the floor, throw into baskets or return to shelves start the robovac do dishes clean countertops and stove if needed Sweep crumbs in kitchen As needed throughout the week: - Throw in...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @nodu I had my baby via planned c-section because she was breech. It wasn’t what I had wanted originally, but it went great and I am 95% decided that if we have another I would choose it again over attempting a VBAC.
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    A big recommendation list for folks about to have a baby

    @katrina2017 Sleep mask, white noise machine, and pillow were my hospital essentials. Also really liked having a nursing friendly nightgown to change into on the second or third day but that definitely wasn’t essential.
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @europeanlutheran Wait so your in laws do all the kitchen stuff? I assume you use the kitchen too? That’s a big perk if they take care of all the kitchen cleanup.
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 My “work outs” are mainly stroller walks, and I occasionally do ~20 min yoga vids while my husband watches baby. When weather is nice hiking with baby in the carrier.
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    A big recommendation list for folks about to have a baby

    @elights Check the diaper return/exchange policies before you buy. Amazon, for example, will not accept any diaper returns/exchanges even when they are a completely new unopened box. Learned that the hard way.
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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @cconversation Eh, that is a very hard and stressful path and would likely pay way less than daycare costs. Usually you only make a few thousand per course and there is no job security.
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie Totally get it, our area is similar… hence the fixer upper lol. The difference is I don’t think we could get a huge house on an acre anywhere within an hour or two of here for under a million, and as it is my husband has a long commute so moving farther away is out of the cards for...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @capriccio We have a membership to the zoo, which gives us an activity to do regularly for free beyond the initial cost of membership. You can also ask for memberships to local museums/zoos for birthday/xmas gifts. We do a kids’ class at our local YMCA once a week, which isn’t free but it is...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie House B. I live in a neighborhood like A in a fixer upper and we’re happy with it. The walkability is great and I love that neighborhood kids play in the streets and walk to school. But the difference is that our house is 1800 sq ft (plus unfinished basement for storage) and we only...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @bonbonmon Thanks, will check it out!
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @ermcon Is there a mommy and me online yoga you recommend?
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @sarebear1992 This was my experience too. I was scheduled for 39+3 and I was afraid of going into labor first. If labor progresses quickly it could become an emergency situation.
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    Future FT SAHM and looking for things to get me & baby out of the house at little to no cost

    @summer63 If you live near a zoo/aquarium/natural history museum/children’s museum etc, look into getting a membership, or ask for a membership as a bday/holiday gift. They can be really affordable—our annual zoo membership is $130 and because we’re members I take little one all the time and...