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  1. J

    Love bedsharing, but my husband feels lonely and neglected

    @fantomas318 Thirding (is that even a thing) this. Meeting the LO needs was always the top and doing family stuff helped. Also, having date days was really helpful. I know things are all over the place currently because of Covid but we started handing LO off to grandparents for days out (by 1...
  2. J

    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @stu80 That's really frustrating, I guess if you feel you can be honest with her what works for your family around sleep then you don't have to take her advice, and you can always change if she becomes more pushy with it.
  3. J

    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @stu80 Sounds like you need a new paed!
  4. J

    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @ufekevom I recommend looking at the BASIS (baby sleep information service) website and directing your husband to it too for what is actually physiologically normal for infant sleep and the potential impacts of CIO. You've got to make the decision that is best for you and your family but forced...