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  1. T

    Anyone race a marathon?

    @katrina2017 Thanks. Looking at the C25k program is a great idea. I never tried but now is the moment or never I guess. Good lunch with your half marathon. preparation. Just hoping I won’t feel too bad when restarting, but I’m longing my winter sessions in the nature.
  2. T

    Anyone race a marathon?

    @katrina2017 Hi I’m 13 week post c section and was cleared at week 11 to run (but that was just before vacation so I didn’t run yet😅). How was your first run? Grateful for any advice you may have
  3. T

    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    @soikeoworldcupxemkeo Same here. the day after birth I only had 2 kilo more and 1 month after looked already not pregnant with my stomach already flat. I attribute this to years of top sports. I did run until week 33 during my pregnancy and exercices in the day of my delivery and had no...