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  1. N

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit Id work on motor skills. Climbing, playing keep away with paci, rolling balls, etc. And then i did a lot of walks around the hood or mall, parks. I did some trying to talk, stuff like have baby touch my throat while i make noises and other mimicry
  2. N

    My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

    @divices Uhm are you ok FROM ALL THAT HEAD SPINNING AND DISBELIEF?!? Effing kudos, happy for you!
  3. N

    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    @moialiceme My main fear with my kids mom; she is wayyy too passive and hates conflict. I'll ask my pieds nurse friend SOP for this too