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  1. F

    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    @ruanwenxian Agreed! From his texts he 100% believes he has the right to verbally lash out at her anytime he doesn't like how things are going because she should know better. At this point to me, any apology would be a "I am sick of this conversation about how I am wrong and want you to shut up...
  2. F

    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    @doots Please tell me you responded with the fact that he never gives $hit when you are sick.and you don't get to sleep for 4 days because someone has to parent and adult and he never rises to the most basic occassion?
  3. F

    I was supposed to be at Club Q last night and cancelled at the last minute

    @tyleryhwh I am sorry. Big hugs if you want them. I have nothing else I can say - I don't even want to go to public things anymore. I worry about taking my kids even to school events. I do not understand how this is what we live with now.
  4. F

    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    @mrsgrass & give him Tylenol as the pain management. While waking him around the clock to care for a small living being.
  5. F

    He left us

    @jnb2 I am glad both families see who he is and support you. I am sorry for how he went about it, but you are on your way to better times. Way to go on getting the car back and sending you all the best as you move forward.