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  1. P

    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    @mattmizzno Wow great info to know thank you!!! A woman I know mentioned something about a device next to her bed or attached to her bed that the baby sleeps in so she could just wake up, roll over and breastfeed. Do you happen to know what that’s called?
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    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    @mattmizzno That is great advice, thank you!! When you say they don't need the nursery until 6 months, can you explain that to me? I've literally done zero research on once the baby arrives and I pictured them in the nursery right away.
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    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    @nancy7 Thank you for sharing your experiences and advice! I like the idea of buying the big things on the sooner side and then the smaller things from the hospital or having friends/family buy them. How interesting you mentioned your friend being Jewish-- I'm Jewish as well. I wonder if I...
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    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    @pilot2015 Thank you for sharing your perspective and advice! Two weeks before sounds great. I didn't even know what a pack and play was until you wrote it here and I googled it. That looks pretty easy and doable!!
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    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    As the title says, I struggled with infertility for 5 years, did donor egg ivf, had a miscarriage last year and now I’m 22 weeks pregnant. I had spotting and bleeding all of my first trimester and spotting again at 18 weeks. 20 week scan found a hematoma on my placenta and a cyst on the baby’s...
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    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    @drhostetler Thank you! That’s amazing the doctor was able to stop the bleeding, how did they do that? My doctor said my cervix looked fine and he didn’t see an SCH. I went back for an ultrasound as this was happening. Baby and heartbeat still looked good, and doctor still thought it will...
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    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    @hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way...
  8. P

    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    @hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way...
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    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    @hh316 Thank you! I went to my doctor right after it happened and he said the baby and heartbeat still looked great. No SCH. He said he would prefer there wasn’t bleeding but still seemed hopeful that it would turn out fine. But he also said only time will tell and it could go either way...
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    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    @hansmatthee Thank you! How much blood did you have? I was gushing blood on and off for hours and then it completely stopped and I’m back to spotting.
  11. P

    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    I just had an incredible ultrasound yesterday and a great heartbeat. Baby is measuring 4 days ahead. I have been spotting with a tiny bleeding on and off for 2.5 weeks, doctor didn’t find a sch. The last time I had a little bleeding was 2 days after an ultrasound. I just woke up at 3am with...