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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @steinem27 That’s very relieving to know. There’s so much misinformation out there and I’ve heard that having endo raises yours risks for miscarriage. But I haven’t talked to a dr about that just yet. And thank you!
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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @lenny3 Yes I am very shocked because we have been very careful and the one time we weren’t I became pregnant. I know it only takes once but after years of drs telling me my best bet would be IVF it just seems so surreal. Thank you! And you as well!!
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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @servantofiam Thank you!! Pretty shocked but pleasantly surprised.
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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @overcomer9115 Wow that’s great! Congratulations! So good to know that you can still have a healthy pregnancy!
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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @curtis2022 Thank you! I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment. We were not trying so it was quite the shock to see two pink lines. And that’s great to hear! I actually already had a Dr. appointment on the 21st to discuss possibly getting an ablation. I’m sure my dr will tell me the same...
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    Endo pregnancy concerns

    I am 28(f) and just found out I’m pregnant today. I had always been told that getting pregnant would be difficult because I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis when I was 20. So needless to say I am completely unprepared and shocked. Tomorrow I’ll be 5 weeks (according to my Flo app), I...