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  1. R

    Next level rudeness

    @bkapambwe7 Yep. I do this too. I got sick to death of the pushy people. I usually say "nope, can't have any more." And then if they pushes comes the "well you never know.." Then I generally look them dead in the eye and say, "well it took two years of fertility treatment to get pregnant, almost...
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 I am so very happy to see this update. Congrats to you and your husband!
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 Aw thanks. Shit sucks. Lol. I've had appointments at the high risk doc weekly since around 20 weeks I believe. I had weeklys with my RE at the beginning too so I haven't had many weeks this whole pregnancy where I wasn't at the doctor. I work a compressed work week because of it since my...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @i_labyu Thank you
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @i_labyu Thanks, I appreciate that. I wasn't diagnosed till a couple weeks ago. It hit me really hard when I got that diagnosis. I know I didn't do anything wrong to cause it but I just kept beating myself up because my only "risk" factor is my age and I keep asking myself what the hell did I do...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @i_labyu I've been upset the last few days because my numbers keep going up for seemingly no good reason. And then WAY down with what seems like no rhyme or reason. I'm eating way less carbs than the dietitian said (got the okay from my MFM) because of my gluten allergy. When I hit the...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 YES! I bring a toothbrush to work if I bring it as a snack because I smell like garlic all day, lol. Also the hummus would taste a hell of a lot better with delicious CARBS for dipping not veggies. Heh heh.
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 I am also tired of friggen hummus. Lol.
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    Due Date List

    @henryt You can update the gender on mine to boy :)