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    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    @yesjesus Same. Love my 1950s house. I “hide” in the kitchen all the time. I’m close enough to the living room to hear the kids if the need me, but it’s got enough separation that I feel like I’m alone.
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @kristaok If you Google your car make and model year and “three car seats across” you’ll probably find exactly the options that’ll work for you. Our car is from 2010 and found a great article. We did end up with the Graco Slim 3LX (or whatever they’re called) and our kids are doing great in...
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @amberdawn007 We do similar. Older kids are with one parent, baby is with the other. Our kids are 4, 2, and 5 months. Divide and conquer. Worked great with 2 kids, still works with 3.
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    Shall we go from 2 to 3?

    @foxyroxy My third is 4 months old. My others are almost 5 and almost 2. Honestly, I haven’t found adding baby number 3 that hard and we have zero local support. I am in Canada so I do get 12 months maternity leave, so that helps. But as of November, we’ll have one in kindergarten and two in...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 I’m combo feeding my third and she’s gotten so many mild sniffles this winter but has otherwise been pretty good, despite my big kids bringing home a bunch of coughs and colds from school/daycare. I’m not sure if the breastfeeding was the reason or not but I’m happy to take credit. 😆
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @lindseystark I’m looking forward to that! My 4 year old can unbuckle herself and I’m currently coaching her how to buckle in. Once the baby (5 months) transitions from her bucket to a conventional car seat, access to my oldest to buckle her in will be difficult (we have three across in a sedan 😬).
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @fyrsil I think it’s definitely situational. Mine are 4, 2, and 5 months and I’ve enjoyed the 2 year gap. Currently potty training my toddler while grappling with a low milk supply and slow weight gain on the baby, which isn’t fun, but with multiple kids, they’re never going to time their...
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    Crowd control!

    @warriorofyahweh I like to give my big the option, “hold the cart/my purse or hold your little brother’s hand”. Often she loves to play big sister and will hold her brother’s hand, which frees up both my hands. If not, I’ll hold little brother and she’ll hold something else.
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 I wouldn’t say 3 is easier. You have to prioritize more, there’s a lot of telling one child to wait because you’re busy with another. And we’ve found our access to solo time goes down since it’s easier for one parent to have baby and the other to handle the big kids. This will...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @dan_r My husband and I do a lot of talking over text which means I always have the receipts if he tries to claim I never told him something. It’s very satisfying to go back and screenshot when I told him and send it to him. For the record, he does the same to me. We’re both okay with this form...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 I’ve seen some kids in my daughter’s JK successfully wear masks but clearly they’ve been doing it consistently since the beginning. Starting out fresh trying to get your kids to wear it now probably wouldn’t work. But keeping them home makes sense to me. Heck, I see that all the...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 Are you a mask wearing family? If your daughter is good about wearing one, you could probably reduce your risk. Or keep them home until the new year? JK is just glorified daycare and getting them used to a school environment. Missing a few months to protect a new baby wouldn’t be the...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 With respect to a fall baby, is your oldest in school yet? Or going to preschool? I had my third last November and both her older siblings (4 and in kindergarten, 2 and in full time daycare) had a cold at the time. I ended up going to the ER 3 days pp with a fever and then baby ended...
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    I don’t really have time to make this rant but I feel like I’m about to explode

    @grace4nan 💯 OP needs to just say no. No to her husband. No to her coworkers. I’ve been in her position before, at home at least, and I made sure my husband understood that when I went back to work and he took off leave he would be responsible for everything I was responsible for when I was on...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @jonathandavidgoddard This. It’s a painful lesson but hopefully one he won’t forget.