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  1. H

    I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

    @charity78777 My salty takes: 4 month old is too little: "That's great their baby was ready for that then. I'm sure they had someone they trusted driving the boat. That must have been a fun family milestone. My baby isn't there yet, and that's fine!" If they didn't get the dig, they weren't...
  2. H

    newly pregnant, run my half?

    @monkeyroo Ask your doctor. My guess is they will approve it
  3. H

    Adoptive baby book? (T.W. Mama loss)

    @bruin As an adoptee , thank you for recognizing that our first parents and adoptive parents are irreplaceable. Did your friend text you ultra sound photos, bump pics, or anything like that? If you have android, your Google account can be used to make a photo album.I'm assuming Apple has...
  4. H

    I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

    @thehunted My nephew said Ann at a day old while I held him. I don't care that it was accidental and not really what he was doing. He said my name and clearly he was so advanced for his age. It doesn't matter that my name is basically a grunt and he was probably gassy.
  5. H

    I didn’t clean baby’s back properly and she had poop on it

    @doublev Totally common mistake. If it happens enough she gets a rash, then sure, he can be irritated. If it was this one time, he needs to chill.
  6. H

    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @atlanta My line of thought: "He spent 9ish months with all of his needs met before he knew he needed them. Now he has to alert others and then wait. Of course he is frustrated. He is doing his best and so well considering how new he is. I spent 9ish months meeting all of his needs before he...