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  1. M

    Post partum rehab program

    @anth987 I started the Belle Method 4th trimester program at 4 days ppm. It starts with breathing and gentle PF engagement. Not free but I think it was something like $30?
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    Super early pregnancy but already so tired and STARVING??

    @paulebear I was able to keep up my workouts in my first trimester (I was marathon training) but I was a bottomless pit of hunger. I did gain weight rather quickly during the first half of my pregnancy despite how many calories I was burning with my training, but it leveled off in the second...
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    27 weeks

    @dick325 I was able to walk/hike with SPD, but not power walk. Basically the further apart your legs are (lol that sounds funny) the more discomfort you'll cause. So short strides and slow to medium pace shouldn't be too painful.
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    Telling Trainers/Coaches

    @louiedevon I'm a runner, I told my coach around 10 weeks iirc. Some of my training runs were starting to feel tough, and I knew I'd be adjusting my goals for my upcoming races. Plus, my coach is virtual and my Garmin notes were increasingly referencing symptoms and how I was feeling, and I got...
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    27 weeks

    @dick325 The upper-inner pelvic region and lateral movement causing pain (especially if it's worst post-run and turning over from side to side) sounds like it could be SPD, which will only get worse if you continue to run. Definitely see a pelvic floor PT, who can help advise what are...
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    16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?

    @cathya Also a FTM, I ran a marathon at 18+4 but developed SPD pretty suddenly at 23 weeks and had to stop running entirely. I've also been able to continue (indoor) cycling without any issues though! 35 weeks tomorrow.