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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @kelseyylee701 Good to know! I don't think he's aware of the dosing schedule between the two, so he might be more inclined to go the Moderna route.
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @kelseyylee701 Oh wow, thank you for these resources!!
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @charist He's one tough cookie and I hope he's done with surgeries! Yes, that's helpful to know a pediatric cardiologist is not concerned and recommended the vaccine. We live in the Midwest and our pediatric clinic doesn't give the vaccine anymore because they have such a low demand that they...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @weepingsinner7 Thank you! This has been one of my main concerns- I don't want her to suffer long term damage while her body is trying to figure out how to fight the virus.
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @peccavi44 Thank you - this does! I especially think point # 3 will be reassuring for him.
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @snervel Thank you! This has been my line of thought and I think my husband does understand this reasoning.
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @joanfiz Ugh! I had a similar experience with a nurse during my pregnancy when I was trying to explain to my husband he still needed to get his second shot. She told him her husband thought it was all a conspiracy. After that, I switched providers!
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @luvdreamsnjesus I told him he should address his concerns to our pediatrician, but we ended up switching pediatricians right before her 6 month well child visit. I expected her to get her covid shot during that visit, but it wasn't offered at their clinic anymore. He didn't bring up any...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @keji Oh I remember the zeitgeist era! I really think the isolation, chaos and confusion during the pandemic lock downs got to him. We had just moved to a different state with no family and friends right before the pandemic hit. Then his job went remote and I lost my job. We've since moved...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @keji I really, really appreciate that. And yes, fortunately he didn't go that far and fortunately he stopped spending all his time on the outskirts of the internet. He's a brilliant person, but once you get down a rabbit hole it can be hard to get out of. Evidence-based marriage counseling...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @keji Thank you. Yes, we've had that discussion about the side effects and that the infection causes a much worse reaction than the vaccine side effects and I think he gets that now. Sorry, I wasn't trying to say that was your or anyone else's attitude. We were together almost 7 years...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @keji I completely understand your frustration and believe me, I've had it too. We actually temporarily separated during my pregnancy because of something else, but I refused to come back until he got his second covid shot. I was hesitant to post in this community, because I'm sure most people...
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    @coertzenjfs Thank you!!
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    Husband has concerns over Covid vaccine

    Hi all, After much back and forth, my husband is finally on board to give our almost 9 month old daughter the pfizer covid vaccine. However, he is still sending me studies on myocarditis and has deep concerns with respect to the spike protein and exposure to it through the vaccine. From my...