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  1. M

    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    @daman777 No definitely not too much. If it’s working for you, who cares what other ppl say
  2. M

    Training our 6 month old but what do we do when he turns himself sideways? (see pic in thread)

    @henry_ Def time to lower the crib mattress, he is so big!!!
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    Science on parent care vs. Day care

    @munyaku This is anecdotal and about an adults experience as a daycare teacher, but I worked in the toddler room for one year at a daycare in 2013 and was sick as F 11 times in 12 months. Before then, I would get sick but it was rare I would get SIIIICK. After working in daycare, I swear to god...
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    Weird wake up 2-3 hours after falling asleep

    @rubesrubio If he’s having a hard time being soothed back to sleep after a wakeup I would consider cutting 15 minutes off of daytime sleep to see how that helps