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  1. R

    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    @sherithorb Absolutely. I felt the same as you, wanted to run throughout pregnancy. But at 24 weeks started getting pain like you describe, and stopped before 28 weeks. To be honest, I wished I'd stopped earlier - the last few weeks were tough (being January didn't help!) My concern was if it...
  2. R

    Gender Reveal

    @kathyb Yep same here, we wanted that bit more information about the baby. I can totally see that some people would prefer the surprise, but we've had so many on the road to getting pregnant that we wanted a bit of certainty.
  3. R

    Do you follow the recommendations on the formula box?

    @daniel109 Our daughter's 5 weeks too and we're using Aptamil. She's been spitting quite a bit up, possibly because her tummy's still quite small, so we're currently on 90ml at a time but more frequently. Guidance is 150-200ml per kg of weight so as long as they're getting that, putting on...