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  1. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @jmswprkr I’ve been eating eggs consistently throughout pregnancy. Hopefully you’re able to enjoy them again once baby comes!
  2. F

    Which maternity leave option would you take ?

    @victoriala108 Following because I’ll need to work through this too. From a manager’s perspective I’ve had several team members who’ve gone out on leave, returned in a PT capacity (which we are happy to support) but then quickly expected to be promoted which we couldn’t reasonably do due to...
  3. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @wannabe11 Haha it’s an odd combo for sure but I’m curious too. Thanks for sharing all your unique snacks!
  4. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @jmswprkr That does sound good!
  5. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @corruptedsoul Lol I’ve been eating an absurd amount of grapes too! And during the summer it was nonstop figs and apricots - to the point where my husband learned that these were my figs and apricots not ours 🤣
  6. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    27+4 and all of a sudden I’m noticeably more hungry. What healthy + filling snacks are you going to? Historically I’m a 3 meals a day no snacks person, so this is new to me. So far I’ve been snacking on plain greek yogurt with fruit + nuts or granola, raw nuts, sometimes cheese & crackers (but...
  7. F

    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @viri My baby is 4 weeks old. Today we went to my mom’s house and she was about to kiss the baby but I stopped her because she was wearing bright red lipstick. I told her next time to not wear lipstick and she can kiss the baby. My mom is immunocompromised and is adamant about wearing her N95...
  8. F

    How do y’all do it??

    @maprayer I’ve been on the couch or in bed for most of the day… little by little 😅
  9. F

    How do y’all do it??

    @stephenk I got more energy gradually over 2nd tri- it didn’t come immediately. The key for me was to reset my expectations: pre-pregnancy I would at least do 45+ min workouts at a moderate/high intensity, but during pregnancy I had to learn to start small and build up from there. 10 min on my...