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    27 weeks

    @dick325 I started walking at 27 weeks. I couldn’t continue with running because of the pressure. I’ve been running since I was that age too and totally get wanting to push through but walking has been a great substitute. I found a 6.5km trail that has nice steep hills so I definitely get a good...
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    Help me work out regularly while pregnant

    @mariamauva I like to get my workouts done in the morning! It’s nice to get it over with. If I waited until evening my workouts would never happen and it’s important to me that I stay active this pregnancy!!!
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    Struggling with not working out in early pregnancy

    @hibernos You’ll get back into the swing of things. It just takes some time. Hopefully after the first trimester you’ll feel much better and get back into it!
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    When were you able to go back to your pre-pregnancy strength again after a c-section?

    @hennaz222 I had a C-section in April of 2020. I didn’t really know how to properly rehabilitate myself but have always been really active. I got feeling back fairly quickly and was able to gain strength back, almost back to original core strength. I mean… things are different for sure but not...