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  1. N

    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    @edmerch1984 Do what you can. My supply never came in so my guy was formula fed since 10 days. Out house caught jt the first time when he was 4 months. He had a bit of congestion that was easily managed with saline spray and bulb sucker. My husband and I were down for the count but it didn't...
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    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @snowcity My guy was just over 200k for 19 days in spring of last year. 2 days cpap as a precaution (he was hooked up but on room air, 3 days of blood sugar regulation through umbilical line, 2 days jaundice therapy, then off to feeder/ grower. Thankfully, he did not need a lot of intervention.
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    HepB Vaccine for Newborn

    @joannayang Pediatrician Association deems it safe for preterm babies over 2000g (4.4lbs). My guy was born at 32+6 at 6lbs 6oz. He had a 19 day nicu stay. He was given 35+3 as we thought he was going home (he ended up needing just a little more time - he was a feeder/grower). His doctor has...
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @snaptikappmefr You could do a memorial or something. A plant or something relevant thay her grandma loved she can care for and talk to. Any which way you look at it, it will be a tough conversation. I am sorry for the losses you've experienced lately.
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    Death of 3 close family members and a 5 y.o.- how to tell/process

    @mattmizzno Amazon has lots of age appropriate storybooks that can help explain as well.
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    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @chrissie0555 My pediatrician said to use boiling water to make formula for my son up until 4 months old (he was a premie). He actually recommended the pre-made stuff as it's more sterile and properly mixed. Once the 4 month mark rolled around, he was big enough and had no underlying immune...
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    Am I wrong ?

    @melissa43 They got your little one cared for. Give yourself permission to do what you need to take care of yourself so you're ready for the next phase. Mental health is just as important and physical health. Change your visitation schedule to one that works for you. Whether it's taking a few...
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    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    @mathman141 It is hard. That guilt is real. Give yourself permission to be away to take care of you! The faster you heal, the quicker you'll be ready to go the extra mile for your little one. I pushed myself to be there as long as I could. I ended up in triage a few times from overdoing it...
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    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    @jesusiscomingbacksoon I have the Chicco Presto. I do not recommend it. I love my chicco activ3 jogger but hate the lightweight stroller. The self folding option is nice but it doesn't remain locked so it randomly opens at the most inconvenient times. The basket below is too small and awkward...
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    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    @jesusiscomingbacksoon I fly back and forth between Canada and US. My 32 weeker has done 3 round trips between 4.5 months and 10 months. It was actually a weekend trip to Vegas (driving), where he caught covid at 4 months. Bring your usual medication. I am not familiar with whst they have...
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    Father of a Six Week Old. Feeding volume question & inquiry with regards to a dramatic behavior change

    @godisking27 My guy fed every 3ish hours between 100 and 120mls. Volume and frequency would fluctuate. If he was having a growth spurt, he eats more often not necessarily more volume. My guys is 4.5 months (2.5 corrected as born prematurely). He is still eating between 120 and 180mls per feed...