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  1. T

    Made a new sub

    @dw1veu I haven't noticed a troll, but a second sub, with it's one (extra positive) flavor sounds amazing.
  2. T

    Is multiple children a good reason to ignore scratches, bruises, and bite marks?

    @elleho123 As a mandated reporter, this would alarm me. The bite marks that drew blood would have me calling CPS on a family, because I'm legally obligated. My first instinct was to tell you to start having your kid deck back harder and beat the shit out of her step siblings. However, that's...
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @melodyt That's true. Data is weird that way. Luckily both were stable and able to adapt to the new bundles of joy. :)
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @melodyt I have two friends who must have used the method incorrectly.... One had a girl a little over a year ago and one has a four year old boy. Both have one partner who is a medical professional, so I never really understood how they failed so miserably.
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @mark58 I can't stop thinking about this, ha! Maybe when people say a pregnancy scare, they really mean that they are concerned because their cycles are irregular and that might mean they have fertility issues, but somehow our society is more okay with "pregnancy scare" (especially since so many...
  6. T

    "Pregnancy scares"

    @mark58 I completely agree with you. However, to have an actual pregnancy scare I would probably need to have a positive pregnancy test and not be pregnant. The odds of that are incredibly rare. I think many people see flirting with the odds and a later period as a pregnancy scare.