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  1. B

    Thinking about going full formula

    @chaz1268 Me! I had planned to breastfeed but my LO wasn't latching. He'd constantly fall asleep. I saw the LCs at the hospitals and a lactation nurse. Never transferred anything at all 3 appts. Finally saw an IBCLC that told us he had a pretty severe tongue tie and lip tie. Got them released at...
  2. B

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita I chest slept with my 5.5 month old for 3 months at night. It was the only way he'd sleep. I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. I don't recommend it if you're not a light sleeper. I didn't get great sleep but it was better than no sleep. I had one pillow underneath each...
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    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 call me crazy but i'm 100% positive that tons of our parents who raised us bedshared and exclusively formula fed (EFF). with that said, there was and still continues to be a risk when bedsharing. as previous users have mentioned, it's all about considering your situation and what works...