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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @robertnethromik Ughh that sucks to wait that long. I had a hospital birth and the midwives were heavily involved until it was time to push. However, they also were part of the ob/gyn group I went to. Didn’t even see them at all or meet them until they decided to induce me. I was able to get an...
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    Gun violence

    @j90 its something i have definitely thought about. but, it came down to- you cannot predict life, so why dwell on the unknown? theres just too many variables to life. years ago i read a story about a family with 10 children and a house fire. 7 or 8 of the children died. my husbands step brother...
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @ababwaalijaz i get pretty aggressive over the "alone in the world" shit. because i'm an only child myself and i'm married to an only child. bonus points because both of us have only child cousins as well. at almost 40yo, none of us are lonely or worried about aging parents. in fact, i'm glad i...
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @littledot sounds like your friend sucks ass. i probably would have ended that friendship with my response.
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    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    @joshhatescheese how can you not have resentment about it?! he was never given the opportunities to explore interests. poor guy
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    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    @louismartin they will never know! maybe shes a gifted musician or dancer. or maybe shes interested in being a vet and would benefit from joining 4H.
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    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    @louismartin something that i see a lot of with favoritism that bothers me revolves around extracurriculars. it seems like if the family has a child that excels in a sport, the other kids dont get the same opportunities. one lady i know has a son who is on like 3 different baseball teams, so...
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    Appropriate consequence for preteen

    @mjkobe oh i totally get it! its hard and it makes you feel so shitty as a parent. especially when you reflect on your own upbringing and can remember how this would have made you feel. but its really the best for them in the long run. she can't respect you if your not holding her accountable.
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    Appropriate consequence for preteen

    @mjkobe stop feeling guilty and let her learn how to deal with the consequences of her actions. i have a 12yo myself and honestly cannot believe you let this shit fly. act like an asshole the whole week, and i will make this a weekend you will never forget.